Summer Cappella 2023

Hope you’ll arrange some more

Really enjoyed the workshop last Sunday and hope you’ll arrange some more, ideally in a convenient location if possible! Venue – Plenty of space for the numbers, good acoustic, good kitchen and toilet facilities, well-maintained and attractive, airy, nice outlook. Music – good variety with contrasting pieces all doable on the day with a large […]

Hope you’ll arrange some more Read More »

Marvellous job

I really enjoyed the workshop. The venue was perfect and just the right number of attendees. Loved all of the songs … It was great value for money and all of the tutors and helpers did a marvellous job. Many thanks and I and look forward to attending more.

Marvellous job Read More »

Thank you for a great day

Had a great day and although I didn’t know anyone when I arrived, I felt the warmth and friendship of the group very quickly. Really enjoyed everything we did together. Thank you for a great day. I’d really like to come on another and a mini break at some point sounds super exciting!!

Thank you for a great day Read More »